Poem - Spiritual Musings

The mirror that is not.

Oh, how the horrors we seduce.

With flame lips lies that reel in a reality

that burns the last vestiges of the mind.

The lips sing of flame and lies, dancing

in ecstatic cinders.

The mirror to the world,

all that is seen is these seductions.

Each in to dance and play with demons,

of their own making.

The daemons of old, Shemayaziqim,

the iggigi, who sided with people,

knew too well the seeds were not theirs.

They knew,

The father of lies were not among them.

He started have supernatural experiences when he was 2. His grandfather, who passed 2 weeks earlier, came back to say good bye when he was 7. AT 14 Bill did a 40-day progressive fast to ask for the wisdom of Solomon. These and many other experiences made up in him a passion to study and develop psychic skills, understand magic and practices from around the world. He was apprenticed to a shaman with various formal indigenous practices and much more. He was not taught any indigenous practices that are cultural. His teacher was glad to have him for finishing school. Bill facilitated, in Albany, NY, the Wizard's Workshop bimonthly meetings on psychic development. He has been a professional psychic, and a resource for RPI Student Pagan club. He has taught classes at Ecumenicon, several Pagan Gatherings and Mystic South which include: meditation, Energy Management, Defense against the Dark arts, Spiritual Healing, energy with materials. He is a founder and elder of People Embracing Change. https://linktr.ee/archonstone

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