Lo, in the darkness, with no love, light, support, nor a single shred where the world would acknowledge my existence.
Shrouded by that which could not love, nor pity, nor do what is right.
There when in the pain of the desire of oblivion, not just death, I embraced, there was darkness. And then my soul, from right, frith, and will, with its integrity, the universe showed me who or what I am. The universe and nor that which enshadowed me, could grant me my wish. I exist, and the universe nor the gods can touch me. And in that, I saw my immortality.
In that anyone with integrity adds to this flame of adamantium. Where those live the lie, faithless, feckless and desiring of no communion with others except their own pleasure extinguish their precious self, one sliver of a time. I weep not for them, nor do I take joy in watching the walking dead.
I weep for those whose life was extinguished before they could fulfill their potential.
Find your light guard it and enshrine it with your integrity, it will shine in the light, even if its obscured ephemeral willowisps of time.
Shine throughout time.