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    GOD? , from where universe started, how humans are created , what is end and purpose of human life?

    Response to a forum with the above question:

    The universe as having been started or a posited end, I tend to disagree with. The quantum loop gravity theory, statistically and mathematically indicates a red shift, not necessarily from the idea of universal expansion. We from our own point of view with that and gravitational lensing, the universe is likely more shaped like a klein bottle, and from each vector and observer POV at least from a solar system observation the klein bottle depends on the space and the observer.
    That said its beginning requires more information. The source of creation can be itself. zero can be the sum of all functions.
    How humans are created. Homo sapiens and those that make a fair representation of the species, very few in my estimation have achieved the status of human.
    Leigh’s book on the Bicameral brain makes a good point that consciousness itself and the likely the illusion of it, is quite possible.
    As a species just like any other its purpose is to live. Its failure is extinction. Many other species have done the same.
    As humans, where as a homo sapiens species we have the capacity to be self aware is to develop that awareness. That awareness depends on the ability to reflect. The spiritual expressions is the ability to reflect from other points of view.

    It astonishes me that the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which has that as part of the underlying arc, I have yet to meet a reader to see this understood by any other.
    Deep Thought’s answer to life universe and everything is 42.
    The answer to what is the ultimate question to life universe and everything, it suggests creating a bigger computer than it. Earth. Okay much hijinks and humor ensues. In the end Arthur Dent by accident of time in our primitive world from a scrabble board, pulls out the answer what is 6 x 9. Which is 54. Casually Ford Prefect says it is 42 in base 13. I get crickets. All This from a computer that has created a Point Of View Ray gun weapons in its basement. A Point of View. That computer is one hell of a guru.
    The point of this is lost even after I explain it to them.
    Is this the purpose of the universe? No.
    It is the purpose of human existence and its reflection and apprehension of all that the universe can be.
    The concept of the heat death of the universe and its entropy, may be the reflection of the universe in every facet of its existence gets mirrored by multiple apprehensions of it.

    The bandying about of the existence of God and its meaning…. Is it the omnipotent creator of the universe? no. It is only its collection of observations and apprehension of its comprehension of the limited universe as world, and those that apprehend it with its own set of egos. The process is the same just on a limited scope. Albeit way beyond most people’s understanding.

    As to the unseen, if gods and all the paranormal beings that are ubiquitously observed in every culture and have patterns similar in apprehension, are either a statement of, how as a species, this reflection of self into the world is the same,or there is something there. If it is a reflection and other see it, the likely hood of its existence is fairly high.

    Ok where is the scientific plausibility of that? I have in my writings studies showing the body uses collagen fibers as a liquid crystal. It moves hydrogen ions from one water molecule to another. That is likely to generate changes in organs and the body generates telemetry of metabolic changes through the autonomic nervous systems. This creates feelings. Feelings are the underlying component of where we can access memory and our programming (numerous articles and talks from Dr Chandran neurophysiologist). Our Egos are very much keen on having known feelings or metabolic baselines to maintain our normal thought processing. When sick or addicted and we have a changed metabolism our ego fights back to reach homeostasis. (Studies on state dependent behavior, also)
    Every magical or spiritual process I know of is designed to step out of Egos control and observe outside of those parameters. And to hijack egos control so that we can develop more control of the body. The movement of protons can not be measured by voltmeters. The movement of mass and charge would generate electro-weak forces between electromagnetic forces and weak nuclear forces. As described by Dr. Feynman decades ago. There are 4 effects observed; one allows insects and geckos to walk on ceilings. Electro weak forces are poorly understood and vastly under studied.
    Were that not all. Water stacked in fibers where orientation of the legs of hydrogen molecules and the length of legs can predict EMF frequencies that can be emitted and absorbed. (Lamilar stacked water) There it is how the body can observe the unseen. This can explain why it takes so long for the mind to develop sensible mechanisms to interpret it and why traditions exist to assist in this process. And like any other human endeavor, the inability of understanding that without those experiences is impossible, like childbirth, serving the military or other initiations.

    Whether Gods or any other beings exist, they too would be in the same boat to make sense of their experiences.

    So here we are, doing exactly that.


    If you are able to be a self reflecting, self examining, real authentic human being, exercising your being beyond the inexorable wheel of time and cause and effect, then you have the ability to generate the will to do something other than what has happened randomly setting the stage for your existence to just be. You can choose your own purpose, large or small. Then you become god or participate in a process of God, which is its own wheel of time of cause and effect. And outward this expansion reflects back into the universe.

    I have observed paranormal and supernatural happenings. Observation really depends on the observer or the collective mind of observers. A few events in my life others saw the exact same thing I did. I in my understanding choose to live at least in spirit or in the next life time. I am working to have some control of that. And that wholly depends on having an honest relationship with the universe and other beings that are damn near immortal.

    In words, simply, to be conscious reflections of the universe and have the universe do the same of us, with our own purpose or chosen collective purpose, or both.

    In one expression: Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law. Love is the law. Love under will.

    In my maxim based on my principles of immortality: Live absolutely honestly with absolutely everything, yourself, others, community, the world, the divine and, if not, the universe.

    Together, I have infinite expectations of myself and the universe.

    How will you live? How in life do you will?

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    Topsy Turvy World

    “Frodo:I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide, All you have to decide is what to do with thetime that is given to you.”
    Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien

    I have been afforded the luxury of getting old.    Not that being sixty years old is ancient in our day and age.     I have been blessed with a stalwart and robust physiology, a keen mind, empathic and sensitive  nature,  and a fierce disposition.    Granted  I have not seen the worst of times, been abused as thoroughly  as others nor have I been blessed with an easy life.

    The United States has had it’s run.     The great experiment of democracy, flawed with elitism, slavery, genocide, filled with excess european elites, the criminal elements, and the poor.     Later the dreams and aspirations of  those with humbler histories than their equivalents in europe, sell a story of success.      The luck that was carved was made mostly by ruthlessness than actual great endeavors.        It is ever thus those who do, are competent, and intelligent will be taken advantage of those that don’t deserve a damn thing, except there general organizational skills (still stolen from others) and their exceptional abilities to  get others to do the work for them.       Granted there are the few exceptions, and with great luck, and their own bit of shiestering, made it big.

    The war of 1812, the British offered freedom to the slave and the indentured.  The United States doubled down on keeping slaves.      The Civil  War was much about regional power as it was about slavery.   The North and the Union won the right to make everyone else wage slaves.   Every expansion was marketed, managed and anyone who made it big with it, was just a stepping stone for the Oligarchs to expand their power, and make the rest of us wage slaves.   Here is where the multi-generational family took its first hit, with families separating, brother vs brother over politics, power and stakes in the country’s future that they had no real stake in.  

    For a large country to succeed you have to have communication, transportation and resources.     And those who control them, control the country and the people.       The first set of Unions were for the people who worked in transportation.     One of the reasons for the war of 1812 was to keep Britain from stealing our sailors, and boats.     Railroad owners took advantage of workers to work long dangerous hours,  make them pay for the privilege of room and board,  and keeping wages from wives and widows.       Unions were created to make sure at least widows got the pay earned.     When railroad unions  had strikes, for livable conditions, they were met by Federal troops.      Coal miners,  took to strikes and were met with Federal troops, the original red necks.  

    Meanwhile,  in the name of Christianity and Bigotry, we committed genocide on the Native American Indigenous peoples.     We may have pretended to give them their land and rights to vote,  but we still steal their land,  and allow murder, rape and all manners of abuse til this very day.

    Since the Civil War every successful city, financial endeavors, homes, the ability to vote for the African Americans,  has been met with, mass killings, lynchings, murders, rapes, legalized theft of every kind and injustice.   

    Every group of immigrants have been relegated to ghettos,   directed to the most mean and cruel jobs, and given such an abuse, that communities created within toughest sectors of cities were created and discriminated each in turn.    Only to look forward to the next set of immigrants to take their turn of hell that wasn’t as bad as the hell they came from.

    The depression came,  the ruthless rich stayed rich, those that weren’t positioned well  fell into obscurity.   What was left of multi-generational families were scattered across the country. Even  with  the bigotry, villages, towns and local centers, with multigenerational families and the elites, brokered power locally, and made sure that they had representation along  the way up to state or national  representation.   Of course, thieves stole, the powerful controlled, but in the end, there was representation of the landed people.      After the depression and efforts to get the country back on its feet and prepped for World War II, the people of the United States were regimented into corporate lives in suburbs, associating in tight ageist and socially stratified but isolated groups.   Mobility was initiation to one group to another.    Those who  didn’t make it into a group, was denied any social mobility.    This is where the young, the poor, the socially different, were disenfranchised and pitted against other poor, the minorities and the disenfranchised.   We lost multi-generational families, and we lost the concept of community.    Those who took for granted their socialization with well mechanized ushering from one segment of society to another lost the view of a real family, community, the diversity that was minimal at best is now gone.   The expectation of fitting in and becoming homogenized in this cattle trough of socialization are totally blinded by their self made shackles and self imposed expectations.

    Today Germany is leading the way and working with other  nations to keep the European Union strong and integrated.   Germany is anti-fascist after WWII.    The United States has taken on nationalism and corporate socialism, is how Mussolini described Fascism.      Israel  and the Israelis  have taken on committing genocide of Palestinians.   The Hasidim and orthodox have been replaced by conservative secular Israelis.  They are supported by a brand of Zionism there and in the United States for a manifest destiny of some religious prophecies.    The millennialists took the Utopian vision of a Jewish Diaspora, and WWII with  a Jewish state, imbedded it in with conservative and evangelical Christian cults or sects, to  support what looks like a fascist apartheid state in Israel.   The millennialism doctrines were created by people putting these ideas in the framework of a  “prophetic visions and sayings” from a mentally challenged child in the early 1800’s.    That concept is an anathema to most of these American branded modern evangelical protestant cults.   Of all the headway on minority rights, women’s suffrage, civil rights, union rights, the civil freedoms of citizens, have been eroded by bigotry and ethnocentrism of isolated groups of people manipulated by  hate and fear.

    The Republican party has always been about the corporate elite controlling the country.    Democrats evolved out of the disenfranchised the various types of Mob control of cities.    The support of the disenfranchised, ruthless as mobs are there was economic growth and support of the communities.   You can’t steel from those who have nothing.          In the 60’s the Republicans made a token party platform of supporting social issues.    The Democrats  moved to add minorities and civil rights in the south and split the Dixiecrats  that got absorbed into the Republicans GOP.       The very bigotted south joined the party of Lincoln, and support to this day the destruction of the middle class, for the increasing wealth of the corporate oligarchs.   The south didn’t rise to win. It rose  to give its soul  to the very thing that they hated.                  Between Democrats infiltrating and usurping third parties,  and the early third parties a century ago being infiltrated by communists, the conservatives vilified both as being socialists and communists.        The Republic onslaught   can be identified step by step.  Nixon got rid of the Gold standard.   Started negotiations with China, which now is the premium source of cheap labor.     Non-gold standard banks support the world’s oligarchs and have made it a point to destroy countries that held to it, so far except China.     The state department and the pentagon was infiltrated by the political and corporate powers as another solid revenue stream of corruption.      Reagan’s tax reforms, immediately made as many loopholes in Income tax and the middle class kept on paying more in taxes.    Did away with the FCC control of insisting that  TV and Radio  presented news and education.     Bush Sr. attacked Social Security, and insert privatization of retirement funds that can be managed, thieved and stolen by the rich.   Bush Jr. Administration saw to that.     NAFTA agreements from republican congresses pushed onto  the Clinton’s administration, saw  industries leave the united states and retirement plans and funds disappear before workers reach retirement.       We have made corporations people, but they don’t serve or pay taxes.   Money becomes  freedom of speech, so all the voices of the under represented will never be heard, or now can be brain washed thoroughly.     Campaign reforms were totally changed so at a national level only those who coddle the ultra rich oligarchs have a chance of being elected.    We  have facade of a democracy,  and have a defunded education system creating non-critical thinking constituents.      

    Russians  in the Soviet days, were Anti-Fascists, are supporting the Anti-Communist republicans, and the republicans are complicit in their relationship to Russia that is run by a Mobocracy that keeps corporations and the oligarchy from ruining the country.

    I have had the misfortune of being ears to first hand witnesses, where they have chosen to stay hidden,  or who have died, of many  conspiracies that turn out to be in fact true.       Power can make you look away from the bodies that they kill and make disappear.    

    Christians are supporting Israelis Zionists in Genocide, and those in politics who support misogyny, bigotry,  the dismantling of the rights of the citizens, and supporting the abuse   of anyone that doesn’t fit in a tight bigotted racist christian state.    All the while supporting politicians, who are racists, bigots, rapists, pedophiles and liars of every stripe.   The alignment with the dominionists 7 hills strategy, is the very 7 hills of rome and the anti-christ that fundamentalists were warning against 50 years ago.  They are embracing if fully.
      The hypocrisy  and anti-christian behavior here astounds me.     I do look fondly back in the days were my first social acceptance was in a Baptist Church.    The hypocrisy of being forgiven every sin, including the ones people continue to commit is still beyond me.

    Peter Sellers last movie “Being There”  as Chance the Gardner, 
    Chance the Gardener: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.

    The tawdry details of  my misadventures notwithstanding, and all of the above I have one irrational belief.   I believe in the inherent goodness of people, and human beings do have a chance to evolve.    The constant disappointment in observing what people do is painful.  The joy of goodness and justice as sparse and infrequent as it is, gives me hope.   

    Cassandra of Troy blessed with prophecy by Apollo, and was also cursed by Apollo, for spurning an agreement to a relationship, to not be believed.           Were someone blessed with prophecy today and yesterday, they would not be believed.  Not from some divine curse.   The relationship with Apollo would have been the association with power.   Without power, who cares what you have to say.

    We will have Civil War. It will be lopsided. A lot of good and innocent people will be murdered, who have chosen not to arm themselves.    The Government will develop an autocratic state, the government we know will be gone and replaced.  For the most part it already has.   While the country  may have just had the Democrats recently taken control of congress, the corporate controlled infrastructure will take the teeth away.    Looking powerless, the country will acquiesce to the oligarchy.   All that will be left is to parade the corpse of democracy around until decency and corruption will force people to lay it down.

    What to do.  We have to change and evolve.  Those who have must survive, to teach to keep the dreams and hopes of a just and fair civilization.      That is all I have left to give.  It is the idea of a family, clan and society structure for a tribal unit.    It is designed to create leaders, that support a diverse group of people.  It won’t work unless it is heterogeneous and diverse.  The indigenous cultures that we have almost destroyed, have the culture or atleast its history of how to create and maintain tribes.   They also had means of working with other tribes.   Was it working 100%  everywhere, no.   Each group of people  either grow the elders and leaders with wisdom, or they grow groups of people who are parasites to the community killing it.     People Embracing Change was framed with this idea.      The idea is great, but it is worthless if there is only less of a handful of people willing to work it.     The Elders of People Embracing Change, are devoted to help people become thinking caring authentic people; and, not to become a rubber stamp of ersatz molds of a society who takes everyone for granted.   People talk about community, they support leaders who do all the work.   And, they tear them down because they offer no work or nothing better.  Or  they want to fill some egocentric need that just serves to destroy a group.  

    We need communities that work by a commonly developed wisdom and effort, not by a carrot and a stick.     Soon there will be no carrot and only a bloody stick.

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    When Spiritual Bypassing Meets Racism Meets Gaslighting

    Coming to the Dark of the year, This Article is exceptionally important. The belief in light love and goodness and the law of attraction to minimize the actual horrors that women, people of color or any one else experiences to do victim blaming is hideous.

    People are not easily categorized or pigeon holed, to make your dealing of ones life by simple handles. Life is messy, expressing real love and concern is messier still.

    Roll up your sleeves and wallow in life with me. Life, love and liberty are ours only if we make sure everyone has it.

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    LHP, RHP paths, roads, light, dark


    Good Vs Evil 1


    Good Vs Evil 2


    Good VS Evil 3?

    Which relationship of evil do you envision?  None of the Above?

    LHP and RHP, Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path  two concepts that have been bantered, chewed, and fought over because they have been conflated and mixed into other concepts.

    In different magical traditions LHP and RHP mean different things.

    The underlying concepts of Light, Dark, Good, Bad, Evil, Heaven, Hell, Overworld, and Underworld all have mixed  and overlapping meanings, that further confuse the meanings of these LHP and RHP.  The discussions of all these things have been overdone, to death, in various magical and spiritual forums.     The added dimensions of Morales and Ethics is another.     Philosophically consequences are heavily steeped to the nature and practice of each tradition.

    Good vs. Bad


    Good and Bad are valuations. They are relative to each person and how they value their life and all other things.    Relatively Good and Bad are as normal and different from one being to another.         As Morticia Addams says “Normal is an illusion”.            Many folk form Wiccan, other Earth based, or Pagan belief systems, look at Birth, Life and Death, the cycle of life as neither good nor bad.  It is.      As far as Evil goes, some don’t believe in it.

    Heaven and Hell   versus  Overworld and Underworld,  not necessarily the same thing.      For most people the distinction is a philosophical one.    Heaven, sumerland, the here-after of what ever place is a matter of belief.    And for others Hell is a matter of belief based on the Divine supernatural order  by the pantheon, gods and cultural expectations.    The valuation is based on belief.       Shaman, Mystics and others who travel these realms,  may attribute  one or the other as an overworld or an underworld.   The Natural spiritual planes have underworlds and overworlds.   They may or may not overlap  with the Heavens and Hells of their beliefs.     Not all underworlds are based on evil.    They are based on spiritual dynamics of spirit.       Spirit that  are artifacts of time, or where time collapses, this is your underworld.     Where things are replicated duplicate and exist through time, is your overworld.        The dynamic of worship of a being,  an affinity with practices, places  and events through time give a sense of immortality.        Shamanically, technically it appears brighter.   Underworlds  appear darker.   There are underworlds where the sun is out all the time and still isn’t as bright as an overworld.  And there are overworlds based on the moon,  and night where they are considerably darker.      Light and dark became and is another  subjective valuation.   Granted  primitive man, living amongst predators that hunt at night, is a bad thing, not evil.    There are realms where underworld and overworld elements are mixed.     The beings  that live in such places,  fae, gods and everything in between are just as capricious as humans, good bad and indifferent.

    It is here that darkness and the mystical perception of it, albeit colored by ancestors concerns come into play.      In the overworld and underworld dynamic that comes into play with Heavens and Hells,    good and healthy practices, that met with  and are judged worthy and good by gods,  this implies a life beyond death.  An acceptance into a realm of relatively more light, and adjudged good, by the gods and your society makes it a personal good.     Here ethics  are applied based on the morales and stipulations of the divine.    Ethics  are a shared based set of good behaviors for a society, and when there is a religion, implies that they should be part of one’s morales.        Infernal creatures of the underworld hells, exist only in the sense that they are perpetuated by the  constant bad behaviors that exist through time, taboos, and sins (behaviors against the ethical moraes and dictates of the culture and religion that one is bound to)   the aspects of spirit   that don’t exist through time  suffer through a backdrop of change and chaos, where only nature  that overlaps it in any detail is the only structure left.       Over time and ever deeper levels of hell the maelstrom of unstructured time eats away the last remnants of that which is not part of structured and timeless events, places, beings and things.             In the natural planes of overworld and underworld there is no Evil.   Just  is.   The subjective bad valuations are only as consistent with what ceases to exist and our relationships with it.

    The supernatural existence of underworlds as hells, go contrary to the religion, beings, places and things.   And infernal creatures that exist do so under the auspices of people, places and things, maintain that which contradicts the heavenly order.    With people and beings involved this gets sticky and messy.  The convolutions in the relative valuations, and the actual  value of these  religious ordering of the spiritual world, lives and dies, also.  Many Abrahamic beliefs conflate their supernatural order as perfect good and everlasting.

    The concept of a perfect good and everlasting was introduced by Greek Philosophers and by an aberration of beliefs that the Zoroastrians created.     The Greeks believed in Ideals.   Idealized perfect good with the natural world was what one who wish to strive to be perfect would strive for.           The Zoroastrians took two  God concepts  of  Enlil and Enki from Sumeria and the Akkadians,   and turned them into   Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu or Ahriman.    Enki, like Erebus of the Greeks, were deep underworld beings, that were more associated with water, the source of life.    Hades was not a primordial  but represented the current God’s (Zeus) vision of the afterlife for people.      Many of the ancient people didn’t really conceive of an afterlife.   Much less being able to be associated with the Gods unless they made you a divine being.       The Zoroastrians  created a myth about Enlil’s Father Anu who from Earth gave birth to two sons.    Ahura Mazda was born first and created everything.   Ahriman was born second, and there was not one place in the universe for Ahriman to create anything.     This is a far cry from the predecessor beliefs.   This  was an absolute creation, and jealousy that wants to destroy creation to create its own.    Here lies the first dichotomy, where Evil takes its entrance into the psyche of mankind.     The idea that there are forces that are willing to destroy what exists.  All of it, good, bad and indifferent, along with the hells, heavens and all else.   So it may create.            Evil the antithesis of life took and shaped how we viewed the world.     This concept of truth ‘ashe’  was what kept the world in order.   Druj the lie, is what was done to destroy the world and all of life.    This absolute concept of Evil took the concept of bad and Idealized it.

    These concepts were absorbed into the Abrahamic beliefs.  When Persia  conquered Babylon,  and freed the Jews, their belief constructs were brought with them and infused the Judean practices.        The minor  being that was called the advocate, a fallen Angel, that was there to test  faith and belief of the Hebrew god, was promoted in various mythologies.    Shaitin  is cognate with Sais and egyption god of fate.     Tampering with the destinies and almost a mythic undercurrent of free will to be exorcised in creation, involving mankind, obviously.

    Lets mix this up a bit.    The Akkadian and Sumerian  beliefs got mixed in with the Assyrians.      These gods, including Ahura Mazda, and the Hebrew Yahweh were called Ashuras.    Ahriman and all the primitive beings under his thrall were called Devi’s.   This is where the term devil comes from.    Ashura  is cognate with Asura or those beings that are not Sun Gods in pre-Brahmanic faiths of India.  The story has two sibling clans  Devis and Ashuras.  The Devis are the class of Gods that are worshipped today in India along with Suryas, Yakshas (some of them, there are demon classes there also) and the Asuras  (The Jealous Gods) were on the outs.        God in the Old Testament says of Himself that He is a Jealous God.

    Technically Ahriman isn’t a Devi.   However this is the name construct given to him and the spirits he controls.   (If he couldn’t create them he had to seduce them).

    The Zoroastrians made very vivid pictures of Heaven and Hell.  Heaven based on the planets, and Hells based on their sins against the Morals and Ethics of the culture.     How much of this is made up to scare people into being controlled, and what hells were manifested because of belief, probably both.     This too influenced the Greeks, the Jews and the rest the world’s religions coming from the middle east.

    Demon comes from the Greek word Daemon, a spirit, usually connected with a place, or a set of behaviors and practices.    This is not a soul of a being, but a functioning spirit.   The discussion between soul and spirit is a separate discussion.    My previous article speaks to that.

    Now where the “Devil” by any other name, and other beliefs, practices and religions,  where the Devil was an advocate for humans.   Encouraging them to become god like and not just abject slave to service the Gods, this was not what the gods wanted.      Whether it was the Devil or Prometheus,   or any supernatural being that descended to encourage people is where the devil becomes an anti-hero.       The creators of humans are either good or bad, indifferent, but people were expected to toe the line.     The advocate for humans depending on the religion was either a good or bad guy.


    Right hand of God, the Right Hand Path,  that was one way of looking at defining RHP.   Hands in general were sacred.    There were two places I know of  that speak of LHP vs RHP in history.     Vedic Yoga practices  speak of liberation or Moksha and separation from all attachment and becoming one with God was considered RHP.      The LHP practice was called Tantric.    This was not about committing all sorts of evil atrocities.     The idea was that people who had to deal with life and could not be monastic and deal with a total detachment from the world, had to learn detachment by doing the everyday things.     Some have taken it to mean doing all of the taboos.       In the end, good, bad and indifferent were just part of life.    If one learned to become indifferent to it all, emotionally and spiritually detached,  the illusion of life could fall away, the same as it was for those living in monasteries who became detached directly.  Because  some schools practiced taboos, and in the light of western observers, these practices were offensive, the label of evil was attached.     The other concept of LHP was that of being an illegitimate child.     Children that were heirs were from the Right Hand.     Children of the left hand were illegitimate.  They were bar sinister (sinister for left).   Bastards by any other name had it rough and had to work harder than their half brothers and sisters who claimed inheritance.  This social drama and the term sinister made left handedness and the concept of the Left Hand unpalatable.

    Here we are in post Renaissance Europe with all of these concepts, already muddied by two millennia re-interpretations and misinterpretations.

    Metaphysical practices and magic where people  worked with the children of God (Angels) to become children  of God being legitimate heirs to heaven,  the Right Hand Path is defined.           Left Hand Path, magicians who by their prowess ascending in their adepthood as being counterparts to their Angelic peers, could control demons.       Demons dealt with, in theory, the day in and day out functions of life, along with evil aspects of man.  LHP of working with demons and taboo energy, essentially they have to be in control of it and be above it at the same time.  This is a western Tantric magical practice.   Now there are those who identified and or worshipped the anti-hero gods, from myth, from philosophy, and or rebellion to the hypocritical order of the “so-called” good.  Here the LHP as a belief, and also, for those in the RHP, the controlling of demons, for magical  and or spiritual purposes, is a utilitarian practice.      The LHP  in the face of a conservative culture that marginalizes people, in spite of the taboos and laws of the elite of any culture, flourishes.

    LHP, underworlds, darkness, relative badness are not necessarily evil.    There shaman and energy workers of various cultures that work with either side or both.    The nature and tendencies for LHP practitioners and the source of their beliefs and experiences may draw them toward antisocial behaviors against  adopted morales and ethics of their prevalent culture.  Some revel in the idea of evil, although they are not dedicated to the destruction of the universe for some being that wants a piece of the action.     They just want life and all that it has to offer for themselves.     Does this even make them bad?     Depending on the social circumstance, not necessarily.

    Black Magic is the use of magic against people’s  or sentient beings will.  RHP and LHP both can be Black Magic.

    I have met satanists that are fun loving people.   I have met Orthodox Theistic Satanists, and yes they are evil.    I lived with Bullies and Sociopaths, who are Evil.  They destroy lives, circumstances and anything decent, with no intent of anything beyond their own amusement.    This is Evil.  Fascists are evil.

    I have met many people who are RHP or very moralistic, who are overweening, arrogant, sadistic evil individuals.   They end up supporting ossified social constructs that are destructive to life and the growth of people and society.

    Most  who banter LHP and RHP, Light vs. Dark, Good and Evil, have no clue to the origins or the depths  of the meaning of each.       Conversation is necessary to tease out what people mean and where they are at.  And more so, people have to check their assumptions about everything so they can hear  what others are saying.   And instead of making assertions, ask questions where people are at and what they mean and why.  Failing that, it destroys life, relationship, understanding, it participates in the lies of all our given assumptions support.    That too is an evil.

    Some of us have been in the battle with Evil, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.    When they fight for Life, Love and Truth,  understanding goes a long way, to create a better world.  Destroying the Destroyers becomes a sacred task.


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    Principles of Immortality


    Mind, Body and Emotion in balance generates Spirit. Truth, Life, Love, in Harmony generates Integrity. Spirit and Integrity creates Soul. This is how we grow at all levels.


    These are principles that I have espoused for well over a decade.

    What does this all mean?  Let me put this in context of a quote and questions put forth by , Ted  Nation.

    “‘Bind nothing!  Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.’ Liber AL 1:22   (Aleister Crowley)”

    “How do you value your self?  How about others?  Is any man truly greater than another, or lesser?  Is it the choices we make that give us value?  Do we have value? How do you quantify that value?”

    Let me start with the principles, expand on it and then apply it.

    Most Yoga schools teach a triangle of mind, body and spirit.   And in it they teach detachment from ego and the world.     This a two dimensional approach.    Emotion enervates the body, creates state dependent behaviors, processes that harness the mind and the body to function and to action.    Actions may or may not create attachments to the world and to our own way of doing things.  Taking for granted  a set of behaviors, and beliefs and attachments to our selves  in a point of time.    Once done, we have rendered ourselves an artifact.  We are decaying as soon as we hold ourselves to a yardstick that which is also an artifact in time.    It is the relationship with others and other things.  Can we afford to disconnect ourselves from anything.  Can we afford to attach ourselves to anything.   It is the process of relationships to everything.

    Take a diamond, without a gem cutter  it’s value is much less as a raw stone.    How much value is a gem cutter, when he can turn  raw stones into something of value.  The art of a gem cutter, how much value is that, when it can be spread to other gem cutters?     And who profits from all this?     And what of all the gem cutters, when there are no more gems to cut?           What are the gem’s relationship to the gem cutter or the art?    It is a dynamic, but a finite closed loop.   It may exist through time, and be valued amongst gem cutters and those who profit from them, but in the end, when there is no more.  And people value the gems more than any of the people ever  involved with them, down to the miners.   

    Can the art of gem cutting be applied to other arts?  Can the disciplines applied  to that art be applied to other arts?  If so you have a living thing.  Not an artifact with a birth, life and death of a singular thing, process or dynamic, but a process that extends through time, and past artifact’s existences.    Processes useful to swim  amongst artifacts of time and existence.

    The spirit or essence of a thing, is based on the balance of mind, body and emotion.   The better equal lengths of the base makes the area.  In balance, a volume of essence and spirit are created.      Spirit without a container, form or structure, dissolves back into its constituent parts, with its form and function an artifact in time.

    Life by itself is into a relationship with only one thing, is an artifact.   Its value with other artifacts of existence lost in the dissolution and desolation of time and chaos.   Life without it, we have nothing.    Love, without it everything is meaningless.  Truth, the crucible by which all things are tested.  Judgment in the harshest or kindest degree, depends on our honest relationship with everything.   Life, Love and Truth in Harmony begets Integrity.  These three principles  must be in harmonious dynamic and equilibrium.      This is to say, One must have an absolutely honest relationship with everything, your self, the world and if not the whole Universe.   This generates Integrity, honesty with one’s self, the world and the Universe.    This is a relationship, a process, an art  of relationships, holding the truth of each sacred.   Would not the Universe, hold sacred the Truth of you?   

    tetrahedron2This simple tetrahedron,  if  body, mind and emotion  is in balance creates spirit.  It is the essence the blue print, of the person, the processes, and relationships not only with itself but the whole world.                  The complex dynamic tetrahedron of Life, Love and Truth, creates Integrity.  It is the discipline of the process and honest relationship with itself and the world that keeps its structure intact.     Together   Integrity and Spirit makes the Soul.   


    How do you value your Self?  How honest are you? How much effort do you put into your own being and the creation and maintenance of your Soul?    If you are looking for a yard stick to measure yourself against,  the yardstick is an artifact in relationship to other artifacts.    The question is how does the World value you.  How does it hold you sacred, whether it knows it or not?     If your soul continues to have an honest relationship with the world, and holds the spirit and essence of all that truth, actions and processes,  how are you not immortal?

    Is it the choices we make that give us value?  Yes and no.   A choice is not the action.    An action and  the honest relationship of all things, of that action is what makes the value.

    Do we have value?  Again by what yardstick?     My family, work,  and community,  have I contributed to the arbitrary value of the yardstick of material goods to each?     Or, have I added to the essence and spirit of each to exist beyond its concept of self?   How can  unconscious things, places, people and entities value us, by what yardstick?     What is immortal about each, and what is an artifact of time giving form, substance and topology of the reality, and what is the process of it and  its relationship to all of its constituent parts?  

    Quantify the yardstick and the ephemeral value of artifacts of existence.     What power and presence does it hold on us or give a platform and ocean of artifacts to swim in?   How well do we swim in it, or how well poorly we float like flotsam?  

    All I can say to the idea of quantifying value, is how do you qualify it?    Am I  an artifact or an immortal process?  Am I an artifact forgotten for the new shiny, or do I have an honest relationship with the immortal Universe, and do we hold each other sacred?

    As a man, “Is any man truly greater than another, or lesser?”, by the yardstick yes.   As that part of us that is an artifact of existence, no.     

    Ronald Glasser’s  rules of power (some of them):

    •    ” All things are equal to another”.
    •    ” There are exceptions to every rule, including this one” (See above)  

    This axiom is a spiritual teaching re-framed in many ways, to help develop detachment and equanimity  interacting with the world.  It is about having an honest relationship with everything.

    The truth of each person and being  is exactly the same.   Our honest relationship with each does not have to be the same.

    Paraphrased from “Fiddler on the Roof”:    “Rabbi, is there even a blessing for the Czar?”     “Yes, yes, there is a blessing for everything and every one.   May God bless the Czar, and keep him very, very, very far from us!”   

    That is an honest relationship, with self, community and the world demonstrated right there.       An honest relationship with things that are bad for us is to keep them very, very far from us.  Bind the artifacts, not us to them.          

    The Aleister Crowley quote is another re-framing of the Hindu Yoga teaching of detachment.   We are in a sea awash with a world of artifacts, and we interacting with them  we need not to be attached to them.   We only need to be honest with our interaction with them.    A yardstick is only good enough to paddle  through a sea of artifacts, no more no less.   And each class of artifacts yardsticks of every sort can be used and be useful.  Those values are an artifact of a class.  Our choice and action about those valuations depend on how we value our relationship to yourself and others.  

    When we are immortal, we are part of the Universe, and it with us. There is no differentiation except our own attachment to our own soul.  Valued and held sacredly only as we have done so with the Universe.    And in that reflection of the universe we too are held, sacred and immortal.


    Sri Yantra of MahaKali or MahaDurga

    The principles and schematic,  and its resemblance to the Merkabah or the Star of Metatron is no accident.   In each practice and concept  and contemplation of each of these principles in each plane can be its own genius.    Thereby not only are these principles of immortality, they too are principals of immortality owned by the soul housed within.  All  other concepts and usages of the Merkabah tradition, if true (many new age confabulations are not) should work well in concert with these principles.

    Old videos of this lecture:



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    The Second Triangle of Immortality is Life, Love and Truth   in Harmony creates Integrity.

    The First Triangle is  Mind, Emotion and Body in balance creates Spirit.

    Spirit and Integrity creates and maintains Soul.

    Truth is the singular most important thing that can help people get along and is the absolute necessity for Gods to exist and for anyone who wishes to obtain immortality in any of the World’s belief systems.

    Cognitive Dissonance is the most singularly frustrating thing when dealing with people.  It is when their brain’s  operating system is based on emotions.  They switch from one operating system to another by a constant flow of emotions.    It is from this very flow of emotions people gauge their comfort level of information based on these emotions and how they evoke the next set of emotions.   Sadly,  cognitive abilities, analytical skills, and information don’t  buffer well between these  emotional states.  There is an extremely limited overlap of information and abilities from one emotion to another and fail people miserably.   Disjointed analytical tools live in different emotional operating systems.

    People live constantly in cognitive dissonance their whole lives.    The very purpose of meditation and contemplation is to create a singular  state of mind which holds all the data and analytical skills in one place to grow and to be improved upon.  Then no one can relate to these people because their emotions and data don’t match the patterns that make them comfortable.

    Comfort and a fear from being made uncomfortable, beliefs from comfort regardless of the context of the thoughts and feelings don’t match what is expected,  is out right rejected.

    Cognitive Dissonance is the very playground sociopaths, psychopaths,  FOX news, Conservative Think tanks & social media outlets, and every one in a culture that expects a specific sets of actions and reactions works from.   It works because it is an empirical  logic that shows for  most of one’s actions works.   It is lazy and economical requiring no thinking whatsoever.   People think they think; however, listen to them say “I believe”, “I feel”, and “you should” which are all speaking from a set of programmed responses.

    They take everything they think, feel and believe for granted.  Because it feels right, they believe it to be true.

    The sad fact is there is truth in each of these beliefs which is turned in to an actionable emotionally charged reaction.   The context,  and circumstances are missed.

    Case in point, I posted a simple meme in the wake of  yet another murder of a black man by police officers.  “STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE”.    That is it.

    A good friend of mine simply stated All people’s lives matter.  She cares about every one, is multi-ethnic and has a broad view of life.    Another friend of mine gets triggered  from what would sound like #AllLivesMatter.       To put this in context of #BLACKLIVESMATTER as part of a post on Treyvon Martin’s Murderer, George Zimmerman’s, acquittal.   Since then many other black people are being murdered or killed by police, in jails, and elsewhere.   Many are innocent and demanding their rights.  Lately in our society that will get you killed.    Post Ferguson Missouri, with Michael Brown being murdered,  white racist provocateurs who started shooting into a peaceful demonstration exacerbated an ever worsening situation.   What came out at that time from white supremacist social media trolls, was a meme from conservative, bigoted think tanks: #AllLivesMatter.  There was a space of time this meme got out into liberal environments and was embraced by well meaning people.     Quickly people realized this was an attempt to “whitewash” and down play all the severe issues #BlackLivesMatter embraced.   It was indeed meant to diffuse the this movement with a racist  inference that white people lives matter.    This created even more confusion with the intent of each.  My friend  did not mean to infer or embrace this whitewash propaganda tool.   If you knew her this would be the last thing on her mind.    My other friends were severely triggered  and acted as if this was the intent.     When people are getting verbally assaulted or have their sense of self assaulted, they fight back.    They each did.     Each of them I like and would want to spend a lot of time with.    They all, if given a chance, would probably think everybody is a good and great person.   The think tank that created this racist meme of #ALLLIVESMATTER succeeded in having people tear each other apart.

    I failed.

    I shared something I feel and what should be a simple action and a simple truth.

    I failed because what I said was empty without a personal action.

    I failed because the problem is so much bigger than a simple meme.

    I failed my friends because by sharing this it divided people who should work together.

    To address these issues, and other issues like:   rape, rape culture, corporate greed, citizens united, labor inequality, gender inequality, racism, bigotry,  income inequality, lack of health care, lack of education,  disability, retirement, healthcare, foreign policies, the enslavement of country by debt, corporate ownership and manipulation of government,  foreign wars,  wars that support an industrial complex, education inequality,  economy, corporate tax loopholes, misogyny, hate groups,  and so many others, they are all intertwined.

    We are taught to label and put simple handles, to make how we deal with specific issues easy.  They are based on beliefs, values and judgements, that are not necessarily our own.   They are convenient rationalizations.  For some they are decent, and others they are horribly bad.   The fact is we don’t actually work with so many of these issues directly, however we feel a need to identify one way or another as if it defines us in society.  And it does because it attracts and detracts the type of people we can work with at some level.   It is a shorthand that is easy and natural.  It is easy and natural for it to be manipulated by those who know these issues and people at a much deeper level.  Because we believe we are in control of our lives, this  thought that others control our very thoughts, emotions and beliefs is difficult to believe.

    All these issues are so big, so massive, it is overwhelming.   It is easier to focus on singular issues as an issue unto themselves.     We have been taught to manage things with small incremental changes.    This is a perpetual treadmill, a drudgery of paperwork,, housekeeping, bureaucracy, and industry to make everything and do everything as cheaply as possible, to further make us slaves to our work, culture and the way things are done.

    What have we done?  What activism have we done?  Have we at least stood up for our friends?  Have we taken care of the sick, the poor, or the disabled?    Have we voted?  Do we know or care what the local elections look like, what issues they are bringing?   We have stood up for our friends.  We share memes, and stories.  Have we asked for facts, figures, and what the truth is, or do we just repeat what others have sent?

    What can I, a single person, do?      Do we know enough about others to stand with them and do a protest?   Do I have bail money?  Do I have friends, lawyers and a support structure to take care of me, my children, my family, and  to keep them from being killed at least?  And what do politicians and people in power care about protests, petitions, and our facebook memes?   Nothing.    Zip, notta, nothing.  Zero.   And if you do stir some truth up, a little funding here and there, and these nutjob  provocateurs make the protesters look crazy,  or shoot them, or cause other mischief.  What is the effect?  Again, zip zero nothing.  We are supposed to stare at all the divisive emotional differences, without the depth of investigation they deserve only to be given emotional divisive issues to focus on.

    We don’t have to convince the choir.   The nutjobs aren’t on our friend’s lists.  If they are they probably turned off following the sources to our memes.   We have done that with theirs. Or we simply have unfriended those who are so heinously off into their own little world.

    All the truth in the world won’t change  scared, feeble minded people, who have lost their jobs, their retirements, their way of living, who have been made to be afraid of everything and everybody. They are fighting for the same  little modicum of life and justice they use to have.  Hell, people would be happy with what they have now.    And they know they are losing it one bit of a time.  They have been lied to by a society that is sociopathic, narcissistic and led by psychopaths, that care not one wit about them or any of us.

    Is there anyone you trust?   Heck, if you are following me on social media, you can almost guarantee people who are following me are decent people.    Thank you for what trust you have in me to post or share things that matter to you, that supports you.  Thank you for sharing things with me that uplift me and support the type of person I choose to be.  I hope I do the same for you.   Do you trust me?  Do you trust the people that follow me and post stuff on my stuff?

    Who thinks this stuff through and keeps updated on various things?   I don’t know everything.  Who tries to be fair and have a level view of things from multiple angles?    Is that a leader or a politician?   A politician works to get emotional support and tacit approval for what they do.   A vote, in a corrupt, rigged, and representative of only the richest supporters is what you get.  It is a game of charades.     It use to be they at least played along and paid lip service to what we as a people care about.      Instead of a meaningful platform, they took issues that would move people and assemble them as a campaign marketing tool.     Can you trust them to get experts to tell them what to do?

    So, what we do lacks power or leverage.   Activism, voting, and through the most positive thing  by education, and that is corrupted by propaganda, media and misinformation.  Who can we trust?   Do you have leaders?   Do you empower them?  Do you support them?  Is the ideas, or ideals worth working for,  dying for, worth sacrificing yourself for?  Are they worth it?   What are we worth?

    Revolutionaries  the thinkers, philosophers and  ideas to make things better are systematically destroyed by those who have grabbed power.  They promote what cements power in the vacuum left by the destruction of  what was bad with what is the new evil corrupt mechanisms.

    So when it comes to power, Truth doesn’t matter, and Lives don’t matter.  The milieu of the existential angst of the powerless, prey on each other.   And if they are motivated against powers that be, the underlying power of the new order is supporting it.

    “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.Said by Jay Gould.  Today, the NRA right wing, controlling the conservative right who are supporting our corporate neo-fascists are being souped up to kill minorities, anybody who isn’t conservative christian, and each other when it suits them.

    I don’t care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating.” Said by William M. Tweed   This has been an ongoing strategy of the political parties, and those that sponsor them for most of our country’s life.    Each segment of population that gets the vote, the outcome has already been predetermined.

    Truth matters and Lives matters.   They are our most precious resources that need to be cherished.     We need leaders, and the truth is there is a cost to make them, to feed them and all the endeavors, that deserve our efforts, our lives and sacrifices.  Because we have so few of them, we need to create them and back them up.

    We have failed our country because we have let what is going on in the past 100 years or more happen.  We have allowed ourselves to be blinded by mouthing platitudes, principles and morals without context, thought, review, or be guided by intelligence and spirit.     We have allowed  ourselves to be uneducated and to be led by valueless, misguided or misled politicians who become convinced of the sacerdotal kool aid offered by those in power. They have not listened to, nor supported those who sacrificed their lives to know the truth of things, and those who sacrificed their lives to make a better country for themselves and their children.    We forgot to question, to fight for something greater than ourselves.  We have been inured to people’s suffering, and engendered greed and selfishness as a virtue.

    If we can not trust a few close people, how can you trust one to become a leader, to create the power to change society?  The power is in us collectively, and we need a vision and a visionary to contain and wield that power, who is responsible to the people who would tear them to shreds if he or she betrays the people.    Those who have economic power who hire mercenaries, police, politicians, lawyers, doctors and soldiers are responsible only to themselves and get the other people seduced by power and greed to kill each other off.

    All Lives, Truth and Living don’t matter, if the truth is that you are powerless to change a damn thing.   It doesn’t matter if we can’t talk with each other, trust someone to sort it out and back them up if you aren’t willing or able to do it yourself.  If you can’t build a culture where we get along, then we are separated, manipulated and are a commodity for someone else’s use.

    I have and still get beat up by trying to build the bridges between people.    The fact is people still cling to their narrow ways generally, and rarely bridge that gap of understanding between individuals or groups.       To manage the issue at large one has to have 50,000 foot view of the problem and be able to tend to those issues.   People in general do not have the capacity to see that.  Because they don’t have the capacity they can’t and won’t believe the person who is trying to  help them bridge the gap.     This was true 30 years ago and it is more true now.    If you cannot get two cliques of of people to work together, over a simple issue, how do you manage this with large issues across a whole country?

    If people could give each other a break, check their assumptions and their emotions,  ask for clarification we might get dialogues going.   If we are willing to entertain another person’s point of view we might be able to build bridges.  If we cultivate people that can find a way between two points of view you create statesman.  If we support people who bring better ideas, and trust people to develop better world, we might get a world that we may be more engaged in and trusting each other to become mutually decent citizens.

    People Embracing Change is about building such a culture.   I may be unworthy for such an undertaking.  Maybe I am.   Maybe you are.  This will need a fundamental change in the way we think, feel and behave.     And that is too scary.    Lives will matter if we have absolutely honest relationships with ourselves, others and the world around us.   That would be an act of love that is too scary to commit to.  The Truth is we are too afraid to live a Life that Matters,  or are crushed by those who are afraid of that change.

    What we need to do is build and create, leaders, cultures and relationships.  We need to study and speak to each other’s truths and experiences and build common ground.   We need to acknowledge each other’s hurts and experiences.  We have to be able to move beyond our hurts and our experiences, to build new lives.  Build new Lives that Matter together.  Then we will embody the living truth.




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    Truth, Healing, Balance and When to Let Go

    Truth, Healing, Balance and When to Let Go

    Shamans, or spirit workers of different traditions, are healers, intercessors or just the crazy person that has the idea that will work.
    Truth is the foundation from which they work. Without Truth death and destruction follow them faster than a freight train while standing on a railroad crossing with the lights flashing.

    There are shaman that work with shadow and underworld, while others work with the over-world and light. There are Shaman that work with spirits on an earthly level.

    There are those that work for the Good of the Community, and others just for themselves.
    There are magic workers who work for their own selfish reason outside of the truth of the community and are parasites. This causes misery and eventually the world around them collapses. And they bring the world in collapsing around them. The effect sometimes is immediate, and for some it takes lifetimes.

    Many shaman work from their own intrinsic nature. Some are called to one affinity or another. Some are damaged to begin with and some choose to be that way.

    My path is balance. Many say balance and mean getting even, justice or retribution. I mean balance. It is dancing in a dynamic equilibrium assessing each and everything for the absolute truth of it in time with all other things.

    I know of shaman who are excellent at spirit integration/soul retrieval, other people who are exorcists, of big or little things. There are shaman or energy workers, who help with the energetic imbalances people have, and help working with blockages removing them or helping people to do the hard cathartic work of their causes so they will leave on their own accord.

    The work to help people heal with traumas or deep neuroses, to clear those energetic strongholds that attract negative entities, energies or other cases deal with various afflictions and psychosomatic outcomes of dissociative disorders, is a very touchy and difficult set of circumstances.
    Healing these issues, most people are attracted to the healers that can do them some good. A perfect good is hard to find, and the shaman or energy worker that is skilled to deal with the specific issues maybe more difficult. There are soul retrieval methodologies that may not necessarily retrieve spirit fragments, but do the personality or psyche reintegration that is necessary for those who have had parts of themselves sequestered or hidden from themselves. For Some the healing never fully takes place. Many rituals dance around the periphery of the truth of the trauma and how the person has dealt with. Some wounds, like Frodo said, never heal.

    There are spirit retrievals after removing an entity that had been possessing a person. Some times that piece is long gone. The person lives a half life.

    Many people walk their whole lives with neuroses or traumas so deep, that these aspects hive off, sometimes as poltergeists. Cognitive therapy or cathartic rituals can help with some acceptance and reintegration. Some people, they and their families will be haunted by it. Other people these aspects from traumas or neuroses hide in their bodies their whole lives. Some create a long term illness, usually an autoimmune disorder, others some sort of physical manifestation in a permanently affected portion of their body, a limp leg, a list, a set of nervous tics, or some organ malfunction. These require extra-ordinary healing.

    All of this healing requires accepting and coming to grips with the Truth, of what happened, and the choices one made with those experiences.

    One of the axioms of healing is “Do no Harm”. And in some healing, some, no pain no gain. The axiom of speaking, “is it kind?” I am not talking about the kind thing by letting a person find out the truth the hard way, which in actuality is excessively cruel. It only saves yourself from not taking the brunt the persons reaction. There are sometimes no matter what you do, say or miracles that you can pull out of a bag of tricks, you can not heal or save a person.

    Some people have recreated themselves, they have built a strength a resolve a character that made them better than what they were. The cause of the trauma that caused their spiritual disassociation, may just have precipitated what was necessary for them to evolve change and grow. Sometimes it manifests as a cancer, or some other incurable issue. Sometimes it is represented by some type of obsession of spirit or a place holding place for types of spirits. And you have to let it go, they have made themselves better, no matter how much they have and will suffer.

    I read a interesting book of Chinese Shamanism that describes spirit bodies that leave the soul and spirit vehicle. These spirit components are called the Hun and the Po. The Hun is related to heavenly or over-world spirit and the Po has its affinity with the underworld. When you travel to these planes/worlds there are particular natural characteristics of the spirits that are there. They fit the various understandings of afterlives heavens and hells and everything in between. Most people end up going into a planes that are a combination of overworld and underworld, rooted into a place that has a similar energy to the person and where human overworlds and underworlds intersect. Realms of ancestors are coherent ones connected to their progeny. The difference between human and natural based overworlds and underworlds or supernatural realms, is that the human realms tie into belief and or behavior and often reflect aspects of their religious beliefs. These realms also reflect the zeitgeist, Weltanschauung, the energy and behavior of a people, place and time. Natures supernatural realms are not clouded with the collective conscience of people. These mixed places tend to be staging areas before people move on.

    A person’s soul and spirit vehicle (that spirit that which is the immediate vehicle for the soul, regardless of all the other spirit/astral components. Inevitably without people, place or nature keeping all the spirit components together, they separate. The soul if it is attached to one or the other more strongly will go to each of their respective places. Sometimes one component is coherent enough without the other half and the soul. For example if you are traveling and you see aimless dead and they are usually attracted to a conveyance of some sort, or some place where that underworld component can be absorbed back into the world, that is an underworld. Not unlike the spirit train in the movie “Spirited Away”. Sometimes people end up being there  a long while because of their attachments. Similarly it is true for heavenly/over-world places. Heavenly spirit fragments that have no soul end up being like 2 dimensional NPC characters in a very rich bright world there those whose soul is there appear to be functioning in more than one place and or time.

    Okay why am I going into all this. Sometimes souls fragment. Most times finding those pieces are crucial to the development of a person, their spirituality and their ultimate evolution. This is where Shaman with soul retrieval expertise is necessary. And those who are psychological healers to deal with acceptance and the processing of those traumas. So the individual can let go of the negative attachments.

    There are sometimes, the nature of the fragment soul, spirit or both, serve no purpose to the person, their evolution or growth. It is like a cancer. IT is like the biblical aphorism, if thy right hand offendeth they cut it off. If there is a spiritual gift like grace/salvation or something similar it is designed to cut out these aspects from the self, and add alignments with god or the spiritual realms people choose. In real life, some have these negative aspects who have been so sequestered they turn into obsession, oppressive spirits processes, entities or things, often manifested as illnesses of various sorts. They will hang onto them with all of their might, or they are so intrinsically bound to them to this life, they can’t let it go. This is where I learned the miracle of a “reaper” There are many “Grim Reapers”, they are tied to places, people affinities and things. I met my first one.

    I had a girlfriend who had a lot of childhood trauma, and abuse that manifested itself is in a host of physical problems, Multiple personalities, and with horrid psychological counseling false memories. (This is where I find rape is such a heinous and violent crime that needs serious punishment and a society that treats as seriously as all the damage it does, even to the core of the soul.) Sometimes with bad work of regression therapists seeding wrong information to have people fabricate a false reality. Or sometimes people do it for themselves to compensate for the massive black hole of memory loss or loss of time, or gaps in personality, to survive. At this point the manufactured reality was cobbling a working methodology for her as a person. It was a fiction that was sorting out character traits, personality aspects, parts were healing and evolving, other were withering. These manufactured memory parts were helping her body survive longer while the hidden parts would have killed her. She wasn’t ready to leave and she needed to let go of parts of the psyche, soul, spirit and other stuff. She was a loving evolving but often times irascible, difficult individual. Decades ago, one of the personalities I ran into, who gave me some obnoxious grief. I blessed her/ cursed her to know nights of complete happiness. Decades later, I was responsible for just that. Some of these healing take inexplicable twists turns and crossing of fates. Sometimes you can not heal the person. And sometimes you can not extricate critters, demons or things from a person. They have to do it themselves. The hardest part is just to be there. Love them. Hold space for them. Ground them in reality. Love them more, Love them harder, and respect and hold sacred all that they are trying to become. What healing I could do was to help with pain. Nothing else worked. The reason was that this was matter of deeper core healing, and involved letting go of what wasn’t her anymore. There was an episode where she went to the hospital, and almost died. She lost her memory, parts of her personality that held memories of her abused past. Funny now, she was a born again virgin. That helped in the healing. She had other fixated aspects of personality that had to be let go. I had to stand strong, and just be what was real in my life. That had a hard eruption of personalities. That was a deep learning experience. It also helped drive a stronger spiritual ability to deal with other people’s reality beyond the focus on ones own. It helped to heal and process memories in a new way and start letting go of some of the fabricated realities. Her illnesses progressed, and I got the call to come to the hospital, and she passed before I got there. She wasn’t gone yet. Her Matron Goddess was there and a psycho-pomp/spirit guide. What was left was a residual green energy tying one last thing to her body in her heart. It was green energy what some would call residual energy. Some call it the Heart energy or spirit. I gently lifted it from her heart and it dissipated. She was free to go. Her spirit went to an over-world for a short while and I know that she has safely reincarnated into a loving family. Two nights later I was dream traveling. It was an underworld and it was a dark level of shambling shells of people. Those type of shells where a focus of work and drudgery which were let go and not owned by their makers and owners. I manifested a bus around me, and my drum and played, drawing these spirit shells onto the bus. My teacher was their watching. Then I manifested into a Mansion with this green suited Skeletor type of character who welcomed me into his abode.   White skin over a skeletal  head and frame in a nicely done albeit green suit.  Usually my alerts would be going off, but I got a sense that this was okay. He went back to his desk, held his hands over his head and their manifesting over his head was this very same type of green energy, to only let it rain down on him giving a resilience and youth to a skin now less taught over his skeletal head. He had this shared comrade of a vibe going on and said to me, “It is nice when you get a perk like this in this business”.   You had to be there to understand this odd bit of comradery.
    My girlfriend was free of the burdens that were holding her back.

    Since then I have noticed where this one person’s passing, the reapers associated with this person’s life was gently removing what was holding him back. I saw my mother in one staging realm.    After awhile she transitioned from this one realm she was at, then to a place where she was separating. The vision wouldn’t make sense unless you had all these other experiences. The horror of her neurotic behaviors were manifested, acknowledge, albeit in an emotionally hard way. I had to show up to be a catalyst for that last bit of transformation. And finally she had an over-world self that was paying respects to and seeing off one last shell of her former lover who probably had an aspect following me for decades.

    I have found that some aspects of soul are not meant to be reintegrated. For some people they have to be let go. I have seen treatable cancers become untreatable. I have seen the horrors of rape, trauma, war and abuse play this horrible hell on peoples lives and health.  Sometimes, it frees the soul that is the will and glory of an individual held sacredly by a healthy spirit letting the rest go. I have seen what it does to beings that don’t let it go. Oft times they manifest into creatures that are denizens of these hells, reflecting these torments, while they lose what is left of what was good. And when their is nothing left but this unbalanced shell, it only hopes for more unbalanced spiritual drama that people offer. Reapers for example had a fear and fascination with death. Definitely not a job I want. Some people have ancestral realms following their progeny.

    This letting go, is a grief cycle on a spiritual level while people are living and changing through various places in the afterlife.

    To do this you have to love people for who they are, who they are working to become. As a shaman that means a lot more.

    On a personal note, this lesson applies to life. I am watching my country tear itself apart. And it is only in the beginning. Again I will do whatever is loving, and the rest I am going to have to let go and watch it happen. I don’t know whether there will be enough country left over to survive and evolve, or it will crumble and be reabsorbed into the world and some new order after all the weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth have finished. Again, as a person I got to keep my morals and truths and survive. As a shaman, I need to hold space for those who want to create and hold sacred the idea, that community, that holds each other sacred, to evolve, grow and thrive. I can only hope I teach some to do it, and hopefully have a group to hold space for a community to grow. What is wise to keep and what to let go. That is a balance, and hard work.

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    Energy and the psychology of what I think it may be magic, etc.


    How does the brain do or supposedly do all this spiritual “Woo”  and magical stuff?   Surprisingly it is not just all in the mind.     The Yoga axiom of  “Mind, Body and Spirit” is incomplete.    It is “Mind, Body and Emotion in Balance develops Spirit”.  (“Wu” and the character for it in Chinese refers to shaman and energy they uses.)

    There was a question where all this is initiated in the brain.

    Delta and theta waves affecting thalamus, cortex and the Hippocampus respectively. The studies I have heard from a talk given by a  Dr. with researchers show that Delta waves can go from 4 to 40 with healers and other shaman. What is interesting is the theta interactions. What is important is the sensory and motor connections. Also studies show that the heart responds faster than the brain does for precognition, in other studies. Speaking that the whole body and its spirit connections is a “spirit brain”.   We are more holographic in our presence.    Where is this connection?

    Chinese Chi Gong Masters wrote   close to 1400 years ago  “The Tendon Changing, Marrow Washing” classic.       And in the past 20 years, researchers have found that  indeed there is something very special with the collagen fibers that make up most of our body, and does involve tendons and affect the health of our marrow in our bones.     The articles that I have shared below, show that the acupuncture meridians follow fascia planes on the body. These articles are copied whole with annotations to the actual medical journals.

    Collagen is a liquid crystal. It moves Protons or hydrogen ions from one water molecule to another. So it moves mass and charge. The forces in this realm are electroweak and influences EMF and weak nuclear forces. Basically involves both electrons and protons in various ways. What is interesting is that the body doesn’t sense this directly.
    If you change the ion potential in parts of the body it changes the metabolism of each part of your body. You change your metabolism you set up a different tuning, more like a 3d pattern enhancement like tele-porters. (Pardon the Star Trek allusion). Dancing, postures, chants, the whole psycho-somatic-emotional element all come to play to manipulate the bodies behavior.  The evocation of feelings, and holding attitudes changes our metabolism.  Oddly enough every spiritual and metaphysical practices affects our bodies  collagen fibers and all the energy dynamics that go with it.
    Spiritual practices all have this metaphorical and symbolic systems that are highly potent to individuals psychosomatic-emotional dynamic.  Whatever psychological metaphors to manage ones internal landscape is, they are all real. What is important is how you relate this to your sensory-motor part of your brain. The metabolic changes from our own emotional states  affects our Vagus nerve and changes our bodies metabolism. At the same time the physical activity is more tuning.    This positions each fascia bundle. Turning   one on and one off, uses  muscles, vibrating and collagen , our  fascia, can attune water’s shape. Which changes what type of EMF it can absorb and emit. Muscles  have special nerves that are  pressure sensors, so there is also fine tuning of all the body’s antennas. So you can intra-communicate with the body with charge, EMF and electroweak forces, and also, to the outer world. From my study in physics, there is a flux of activity in the electroweak energy and there posits an interchange with other materials. Some infer that there may be virtual matter (spirit/astral). The ranges of effect matches the Reich studies and as defined in Bonewitz’s thesis matches the calculations from an old article in Scientific American for electroweak forces from a gravitational study.  Two ends of this energy is described as alpha up to 15 m and Beta levels up to 1500 m. That said that is a pretty good correlation. This last bit is my conjecture. Until there scientific corroboration, numbers and the correlation is seem to fit.
    The physics is solid and so is the science in bio-physiology.

    What is it about Magicians, Witches and other Energy workers that have burn out, along with the leaders of groups in each of their practices.        You may wish to acquaint yourself with this absolutely unique study.  VEWR survey and study

    As to burn out:             Collagen needs to be managed exercised and hydrated. Ritual, psychic work and heavy power exchange in “adult activities” along with victims of vampires, need to hydrate. Hydration is absolutely necessary to keep healthy.   Collagen as a protein requires water.  It is water and how it interacts with the protein and how the body uses it, is very important.    One of Eastern traditions  speak about attachment and detachment.   Detachment is a requirement and is important to develop high spiritual abilities.    Many western practices and religious practices  attachment is important and being woven into the energy of everything you have into  spiritual intimate connection with the divine and community.  Imagine this electroweak flux weaving a pattern of energy linking up domains of matter and other energy between people and things. Your body tries to maintain an equilibrium to keep your body healthy. If it is hyper-stimulated from everything, your body doesn’t recoup. It can damage your collagen fibers. Collagen fibers and their shape inform your body to heal.  Studies show that if collagen is damaged, it can inform cells to become cancerous.
    Now if people take these patterns into them, that are not part of who and what they are, it damages them over time. Center on who you are and ground out what is not you. For many practitioners, and the type of spirit worker sicknesses that occurs includes autoimmune disorders, along with heart disease, exacerbated mental disorders, etc.. Also this informs the brain and over-rides and causes some of the temporary schizophrenia or psychosis in some. DSM-IV has that listed as Kundalini Crisis and Chi-Gong psychosis as “crisises of faith”, not mental disorders. However there are psychosomatic repercussions to practitioners  that lead to physical and mental issues, if not managed.   There is a spiritual repercussions when Kundalini or Chi-Gong is done too much without the body attuning to the energy, and people not converting the energy to match their own. Laying off and recuperating is necessary,  and not forcing one’s practices, to get back to an even keel. Some practitioners are about being connected. This is a legitimate practice for a core mind. Groups need to know how to tune into the core mind and energy, and yet know how to keep themselves separate from it,which involves Tuning in and tuning out, or learning attachment and detachment.    There is some of this in theory and belief, but I see very little of this in practice.
    What I try to teach is a healthy way to pay attention to this energy, and know what is you and not you.  The methodology of interacting with thought forms, entities or some other astral artifact to have it do work, translate energy and do stuff so it doesn’t adversely affect the body. Astral plane walking I use a separate spirit body. This takes work to build. But it has to align with my energy or it will tear  mine up. Over 20 years ago I had a lot of these forms and it wove me in tight into the tapestry of the northeast. An entity wanted to trade places with me.  That was an important lesson about the trap, the wheel of Samsara and even gods get trapped with their attachments.    I could work magic and read people deeply from all over the area. Make any positive change for me, nope, not-ta, nothing. I was woven tight. I had to let it all go. Those who don’t  loose their health.
    So the mind and body connects with our symbolic way of viewing things. Our energy and spirit body communicates with our body, our body with our sensory motor areas of the brain along with feedback from the vagus nerve, sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric nervous systems, along with our central nervous system. The emotions, metabolic states and relationship to our body imprint our mind with images and symbols that we manipulate, or Vice Versa.   This gives a rich symbolic system that people use that have their own and cultural emotionally laden concepts to manage energy through the lens of their magical tradition.      I try to see it for what it is.One author’s description use the imagery of a Ham radio.   Take into more frequencies, 3D patterns that move and in time, and have residual effects, we may be getting closer to the idea. I like the Chinese Chi Gong model because yang energy is the EMF side where there is little residual effect and can make the yin, astral matter domain patterns disappear or set them into place or move the pattern energy. Imagine the antenna making a snowball of energy holding, throwing it or morphing it. or simply dispersing it.  I think beyond this, that our body makes patterns and can evoke patterns.


    Energy worker health and the use of magical patterns, and where I have used magical patterns in practice.  I have had to shield myself and use natural energy to maintain the shields by a pattern, so I don’t have to tend it all the time. Spring  and Fall, Trees tend to filter a lot of the dense Astral/yin material patterns that people naturally slough off. We sensitives tend to pick it up and internalize it, and try to make sense of it. You can’t it is like trying to put garbage into a jigsaw puzzle. It can make your crazy. Block it out let it go, don’t own it.    A lot of these patterns are not coherent nor compatible with people, whether they pick it up in groups, places or individuals,  unless people do a lot of work cleaning themselves up, this can make them sick and damage their collagen fibers and their own energy pattern.

    Astrological EMF tends to pattern the energy also, along with its skip and sub patterns in domains of patterns.   Feng-shui identifies where EMF comes from, tectonic activity/mounts,  thermal inversions of water and air, the movement and compression of wind and water, organic triphosphate decay,  lightning, the sun, the moon, and the mechanical activities of tree with compression and decompression of laminar flow and stacked water molecules.    That is an empirical metaphysical system that identifies nature’s sources for EMF that can affect individuals.     That is a pretty tight correlation.
    After all that, this is why people use magical symbolic metaphors with complex conceptual overlays into them, so they can manage many knobs on one type of a radio. The third eye works with fascia planes through the center of the brain as does the back of the head. A natural flow of this Yin energy flows down from the top of the head through a person front and backup the back.  This is called the micro-cosmic orbit in Chi Gong. Kundalini there are two versions that people talk about, energy up the vagus nerve the thrusting channel or up the spine or the tendon/fascia/collagen up the spine. Both work. Traditionally it is up the Vagus nerve. They intersect at fascia connections “chakra” and communicate to all the nadi or lo, the acupuncture meridians.   (nadi is from Sanskrit and lo is from Chinese for channels where energy flows.)
    This astral energy that isn’t yours or is yours that have attachments to unbalanced things or other things, cause these bits of spirit to act like resistors or turned off rheostats. Once managed these pathways are managed. Energy forced through them, causes heat, electric charges and pain, and can damage the fascia. That becomes difficult to heal at that point. Too many Energy workers end up being completely burned out.
    Also people who are into chakra play or power exchange without any knowledge of this hurts the people they play with. I think of it as type spiritual abuse (nicest word for what I really want to call it.)  If this is done, and even in the spiritual practices,  psychological aftercare and counseling is needed for people to transition from their long held issues. Catharsis if there isn’t acknowledgement or coping mechanisms for these issues can be devastating to people.

    The applications to magic, spiritual development, energy cultivation, and relationships to people, beings, places, divine and supernatural realms, along with the deep anthropological implications are vast.


    Sources: Acupuncture Meridians and energy links  Articles copies and saved in their entirety from Journals:

    Coherent Energy Liquid Crystallinity and Acupuncture by Mae-WanHo

    Collagen Water Structure Revealed by Mae-Wan Ho

    The Acupuncture System and The Liquid Crystalline Collagen Fibres of the Connective Tissues By Dr. Ma-Wan Ho Ph. D., David P. Knight Ph. D.

    Vampires and Energy Workers studies:

    VEWR survey and study

    Conjectures and Facts


    People Embracing Change