BLOG - Spiritual Musings

How can one determine if there is a spiritual connection between two people? Is it possible for all relationships to have such a strong bond?

I will share my answers that I contribute to Quora from time to time.


How can one determine if there is a spiritual connection between two people? Is it possible for all relationships to have such a strong bond?

There is an energetic exchange between everything in our world.
Is it a bond or projected infatuation. Is it spiritual interchange, or projected emotional feeling one has toward another person?

Strong bonds, or more likely strong emotional reactions (good, bad or indifferent), of an individual. It is possible to have an honest relationship with the world. That requires a lot of personal detachment. People who look for that bond of spirituality, twin flame or other things is (to my opinion) a reflection of ego. It is a dicey thing to declare a strong spiritual bond with a person. Is it spiritual or a visceral chemistry that could be due to pheromones, and even EMF that we send and perceive. That EMF can be very stimulating especially if one or the other project it. Will it last, though? Even if it doesn’t can it be spiritual? It can reflect an aspect of your own authenticity of a time and place and state of mind of who you were then. It takes wisdom and detachment to see that for what it is and no more.

As I said there is energetic exchange with everything. A spiritual connection of that exchange is a powerful experience. We feel it viscerally, emotionally and sometimes the synchronicity of thinking is based on that interchange, less about being your own authentic self.

In my experience, and I cannot speak for others, not all relationships can have a strong bond. And I don’t believe that the bond is permanent. It is more of an exchange than a bond. Love is an honest relationship with anything. Deep love is an honest relationship as things change through time.

What ever experience you have, may it lead you to the deep love of an honest relationship with everything. Whether you call it the universe or god, or everything in oneness, if one can reside in it, mystics seek that. If you can embrace it as you can, awesome. If you experience a spark of it treasure that memory and see it for what it was. Even if the world doesn’t recognize that, you will, and that is all that matters.

He started have supernatural experiences when he was 2. His grandfather, who passed 2 weeks earlier, came back to say good bye when he was 7. AT 14 Bill did a 40-day progressive fast to ask for the wisdom of Solomon. These and many other experiences made up in him a passion to study and develop psychic skills, understand magic and practices from around the world. He was apprenticed to a shaman with various formal indigenous practices and much more. He was not taught any indigenous practices that are cultural. His teacher was glad to have him for finishing school. Bill facilitated, in Albany, NY, the Wizard's Workshop bimonthly meetings on psychic development. He has been a professional psychic, and a resource for RPI Student Pagan club. He has taught classes at Ecumenicon, several Pagan Gatherings and Mystic South which include: meditation, Energy Management, Defense against the Dark arts, Spiritual Healing, energy with materials. He is a founder and elder of People Embracing Change.

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